
L'incontournable projet étudiant

In partnership with great European participants in aeronautical and space sectors:

ACE3_arianegroup4_da_logotype_gris4_esa_logo_solid_dark_blueMusée de l'Air et de l'Espace 


Template for the Work Package Sheet

You will find here the template for the Work Package Sheet for the file named FLT_WPn_Nom équipe (to be converted to PDF before sending).


Template for the first progress report

You will find here the template for the first progress report for the file named First_Report_WPn_Nom équipe (to be converted to PDF before sending).


Template for the second progress report/p>

You will find here the template for the second report for file named Second_Report_WPn_Team (to be converted to PDF before sending).


Template for the poster

 You will find here the template for the poster for the file named 2_Poster_WPn_Nom équipe (to be converted to PDF before sending).


Template for the work summary (to be included in the booklet)

You will find here the template for the booklet work summary for file named 3_Booklet_WPn_Nom équipe (to keep in Word).

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